Saturday, February 6, 2010


Robbie's Blog is my new venture into the world of electronic journaling and collecting.


  1. As I enter into this world of blog, I try to sort out in my mind the purpose for this venture.
    The purposes, I think, will be multiple as follows:
    1) For enjoyment- I enjoy writing, I enjoy sharing, I enjoy discussing. This blog will serve as a forum for those things.
    2) To connect with others on topics of common interest. Those interests will be multiple, and if I can figure out this technology and if it will indeed function in the way I envision it, then I will have a variety of topics from which to choose.
    3) To problem solve. For myself and my guests, this blog could serve as a place where we bounce ideas off of each other. We'll see if I can get this to function in this way.

    So I begin my venture, with a sense of purpose and a smattering of understanding about blogging.
    HERE WE GO........!
    This blog will be a compilation of my ideas, thoughts and questions about professional and person experiences.

  2. Robbie...welcome to the world of blogging. You are going to be a natural at this :-)

    First of all I love your Epitaph and I believe you will, some day, have one that resembles it closely.

    I look forward to following and participating in your blog. It will be interesting to see how it works for you. Good Luck!

    One thing to note. When you enter a new topic, begin by clicking "new post" this will allow you to provide a topic and space to enter your post. From what I see here is you entered this post as a comment...unless that was your intention. If you need any pointers or have any questions let me know and I can help.
